Welcome to The Ecclesia Embassy
…the Assembly of the Called Out Ones.
Victor Oluwadamilare
The Lead Brother
It is with great joy that I welcome you to The Ecclesia Embassy, (….the Assembly of the Called-out Ones). I strongly believe the Lord has specially handpicked you for something crucial in His end-time agenda here on earth.
By divine privilege, we are on a MISSION to raise Word-cultured Ambassadors capable of bearing God’s burden of superimposing Heaven’s culture here on earth. It’s a huge task demanding so much from us as His Representatives.
In view of this enormous task ahead, we are a people sold-out to His cause here on earth. We have subjected ourselves to do His Will and subscribe to His Bidding all the days of our lives.
Owing to this huge demand and the need to get equipped, we meet three times every week.
On Tuesdays, we strongly engage the Holy Ghost in a time of warfare, as we take ample time to birth God’s Will in heartfelt prayers and intercessions.
On Fridays, we devote sufficient time to passionate spontaneous worship which more often culminates in supernatural encounters of all sorts.
Our Sunday meetings are special moments in God’s Word, which we have understood to be God’s major instrument of change, furtherance and growth.
A wise man said, you would be the same person you are right now in five years, except for two things; the books you read and the company you keep. I charge you to be a part of this loving Church family. Keep company with us and I dare to inform you that your life promises much more than you currently have experienced. It begins with the very first step of identifying with us.
We’d love to hear from you, kindly take advantage of any of our virtual platforms and stay apprised of our rich calendar. You will be glad you did! Like I mentioned earlier, your life promises much more, and that, simply is because God has MUCH MORE in mind concerning you. Dare to believe this: Your best days aren’t behind you, they are here!
Victor Oluwadamilare
(The Lead Brother)